Archive for January, 2010

Thoughts After Midway Critique

Posted: January 27, 2010 in Graphic Design

The strengths that people said about the logo was the way that the Jubilee Church used perspective and the thickening and thinning of the letters to reflect that. They agreed with the disconnect that I was feeling with the symbol and the Jubilee Church. It has been advised to me to totally take the symbol out and find something that would resemble something more Jubileenasious (yes I just made up that word…are you impressed? didn’t think so) Anyways…so the goal now is to find a new typeface for the Jubilee Church words. Something that has a huge family with variations of thinning and thickening lines. Then create a symbol that really represents the word jubilee.

After being challenged with this I decided to look up the word Jubilee and see what it meant. The word Jubilee is defined as: rejoicing, jubilation, joyful celebration, exaltation. I have a few ideas and we will just have to see where it goes. Until next time…


Logo Project Continued

Posted: January 27, 2010 in Graphic Design

After trying to flesh out some ideas this is where I am in this project. There still seems to be a disconnect to me from the symbol and the words jubilee church itself. At this point I don’t know how to fix that disconnect but we’ll hammer it out.

Other Church Logos

Posted: January 27, 2010 in Graphic Design

So to help stimulate my creativity I decided to go look at some other church’s logos. Here are the ones that I found. All of these were found through…a great source for logos.

Creative Block

Posted: January 27, 2010 in Graphic Design

So I’m sitting here in front of my computer with a creative block on where to go next with this logo and how to make it better. Essentially I am not sure how to express the message of Jubilee with just one symbol. This has to be one of the toughest things. When you make a logo you are making a stamp. A firm solid picture of what it’s representing. To try to put Jubilee into one stamp is so difficult because it is so many things. It’s about the joy that you encounter when you meet your creator for the first time. It’s about having a joy for this city and having a joy that you are inside of this city. It’s about a joy that you can’t explain but as it surrounds you your insides just seem to want to burst. It’s about wanting to make a difference. A difference. How funny are those words? We believe as people, or should I say dream, to change the world. To leave our mark. How do we do that? An interesting fact I learned the other day was that the most ineffective person impacts at least 1000 people before they die. How is this so? What does this have to do with making a logo for Jubilee? I really have no idea…I’m just trying to begin to free my mind of everything going on inside. At times as a designer you have to press yourself even when you don’t want to be pressed. You have to squeeze the creativity out to produce what you have been asked to produced. In order to do this you have to write out all the things that are distracting you from doing that. Sooo…here I am attempting that. Sitting here with a nice cold glass of sweet tea. Watching a movie on my secondary screen. It’s nice to be able to have a double screen layout when doing design. One where you can have the program open that you are designing and the other one with the research or information your trying to learn. Oh well…back to designing. Goodnight!


Beginning Logos

Posted: January 25, 2010 in Graphic Design

This is the beginning sketches that I have for the logo…what do you think?

Logo Sketches

Posted: January 25, 2010 in Graphic Design

Attached are the 53 logo sketches that I did in order to begin brainstorming approaches on what I want the final logo to look like. I really wanted to hit on the joyful side of the word jubilee. The other side that I sort of went towards was the concept of Christianity and the life new life that you find and the joy that comes along side that.

Font Excersise

Posted: January 25, 2010 in Graphic Design

I am jumping ahead one step to show you what I have done after drawing out 53 drafts of a possible logo for Jubilee Church (I will upload those tomorrow when I have access to a scanner…soo yeah). Anyways…below are possible font choices that I saw that looked decent or within them I saw letters that I particularly liked.




Original Jubilee Logo

Posted: January 20, 2010 in Graphic Design

Below is the original Jubilee logo. That is…the one I hope to completely change and make 10000% better. Do you think that’s possible? Yes.

Inspirational Logos

Posted: January 20, 2010 in Graphic Design

Included in this post are other churches logos. Each I find something intriguing or interesting about them. They are logos that I have come across as I have been searching for inspiration on how to redesign the Jubilee Church Logo


Top 5 Buzz Words

Posted: January 20, 2010 in Graphic Design

So the project that I am currently working on is re-branding a business of my choice. I went a bit of a different route and instead of choosing a business I decided to select something that really hits home to me: my church. The churches name is Jubilee Church and we are located in Kennesaw, GA. We meet in Kell Highschool’s auditorium. If I had to describe who Jubilee was with 5 words it would be this.

1. Passionate (of their King and to see His kingdom advance throughout Atlanta and beyond)

2. Participation (a place that not only loves to serve people but allows others to serve and participate in a variety of ways)

3. Prayer (a place that puts a huge importance on communicating to God as well as listening to what He has to say)

4. Pleasure (a place where you can find true pleasure in being who you were made and called to be. To simply be…you)

5. Presence (a community that highly values the presence of both the word and spirit equally)